Davide Sordi

I'm a


Hi, I am Davide Sordi, a graduate of Computer Engineering in Politecnico di Torino (IT). I'm a passionate about technology at all levels with a focus in software engineering, security and low code programming. I like cycling, especially MTB and I'm a car enthusiast.

Software Engineer & Data Scientist.

Here is some information about me.

  • Degree: MSc in Computer Engineering
  • Mail: davi.sordi96 [at] gmail.com
  • Availability: Currently Employed

Born in Aosta, Italy, I studied Computer science at the high school. Then I moved to Turin for my Bachelor degree in computer engineering and I graduated in 2019 with a final grade of 90/110. After that I took my last step to the Master of Science degree always in computer engineering. I graduated in april 2021 with a final grade of 105/110.


Davide Sordi

Fresh graduate in computer engineering interested in softeng and data science.

  • Turin, Italy
  • davi.sordi96 [at] gmail.com


Master of Science Degree in Computer Engineering

2019 - 2021

Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy

Final grade: 105/110

Master Thesis: "A Bluetooth-based OpenSSH to FIDO authenticator middleware"

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

2016 - 2019

Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy

Final grade: 90/110

High School diploma in Computer Science

2010 - 2015

Istituto tecnico commerciale e per geometri “Innocenzo Manzetti“, Aosta, Italy

Final grade: 87/100

French grade: 8/10

Professional Experience

Intelligent Automation Consultant

May 2021 - Actual

KPMG Advisory S.p.a., Turin, Italy

Software Developer

October 2020 - March 2021

ToothPic, Turin, Italy

  • Development and implementation of A Bluetooth-based OpenSSH to FIDO authenticator middleware
  • JAVA Programming
  • C++ Programming
  • FIDO specifications

IT Specialist (summer stage)

July 2014 - August 2014

Omezzolli Soluzioni Assicurative, Aosta, Italy

  • Internal mail management
  • Customer data management
  • Software developing